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Speech Language & Hearing Profession

Speech Language and Hearing discipline is an amalgamation of science and arts. It draws knowledge from various allied fields such as; neurosciences, neurology, psychology, psychiatry, linguistics, physics, psychophysics, anatomy, physiology, electrophysiology, genetics, philosophy, rehabilitation, education, computer science, bio-medical engineering, acoustics and many other allied specialties.

The personnel trained in this field are identified as Speech Language Pathologist and Audiologist, sometimes informally referred as Speech Therapist. They undergo rigorous training for 4 years at the under-graduate level and 2 years at the post-graduate level. Some pursue doctoral level research and obtain Ph.D degree.

They are trained to deal with human communication disorders arising out of either medical or psychological causes at any time in the life span. They are involved in arriving at diagnosis as well as instituting interventional strategies.

Speech Language and Hearing professionals work in close association with allied medical and rehabilitation specialists. They work in hospital set-ups, rehabilitation centers, special and regular schools. Many have their own practice.


An Audiologist is a qualified professional who provides a comprehensive array of professional services related to the identification, diagnosis and management of persons with auditory (peripheral and central), balance and related disorders, and the prevention of these impairments.

Speech Language Pathologist

A Speech Language Pathologist is a qualified professional who provides a comprehensive array of professional services related to the identification, diagnosis and management of persons with communication and swallowing disorders. Speech Language Pathologists are involved in a number of different activities to promote effective communication and swallowing for the individuals they serve and prevent disorders of communication and swallowing.